Yellow Fat Disease Update

Dr. Google reacted to my Yellow Fat Disease pot-stirring. They put me in a Yellow Fat Disease filter bubble. When I first started exposing omega 3 fatty acids for the poisons they are, searching for “yellow fat disease” using quotation marks generated about 8,000 hits. My blog entries kept coming and the hits kept increasing…

Drusen & Yellow Fat Disease

Lipofuscin + Transition Metals = Double Trouble. Excess omega 3 fatty acids (DHA, EPA, ALA, etc.) + transition metals (iron, copper, zinc, etc.) = accelerated aging. Annika Höhn, Tobias Jung, Stefanie Grimm, & Tilman Grune (“Lipofuscin-bound iron is a major intracellular source of oxidants: Role in senescent cells,” Free Radical Biology and Medicine, Apr. 2010)…

Fish Get Yellow Fat Disease

Did you know I’m the Sunnier Semmelweis of Holistic Health? Ignaz Semmelweis (1818-1865) was considered insane for promoting antiseptic procedures. He denounced doctors who didn’t wash their hands as “irresponsible murderers.” He was rewarded for his efforts by being beaten to death by guards in an asylum. He was vindicated years after his death, and…

Dogs & Yellow Fat Disease

Acute Yellow Fat Disease is rarer in dogs than chronic Yellow Fat Disease. Chronic Yellow Fat Disease is subclinical — without severe or readily observable symptoms. Biological aging is closely associated — almost-but-not-quite synonymous — with Broad-Spectrum Yellow Fat Disease. Chronological aging is very different from biological aging — although the beaker boys will undoubtedly…

Ears & Yellow Fat Disease

Lipofuscin accumulates in the ears as well as many other parts of the body. It’s the cause of Broad-Spectrum Yellow Fat Disease (cumulative lipofuscinosis). Lipofuscin is often associated with “aging,” but I beg to differ. It’s not the length of the journey that breaks us down — it’s the condition of the roadway. Are we…