Clydesdale-Class Grass

Q — With all due respect to Atom Bergstrom, his claim that wheat grass juice could cause yellow fat disease, is completely incorrect, and it does not look good on him. Wheat grass juice is mostly water, so even if one drank a bucket of wheat grass juice, hardly any fat and omega 3 will…

Soil Sucked Into Food

Soils are depleted … but NOT the food we eat. How is this possible? The nutrients are sucked out of the soil and INTO the food. You’d never buy a nutrient-depleted food unless you were starving (a possibility thanks to the Biden Crime Family). According to Dr. Google … “Magnesium is the central core of…

This Bud’s For Sheep-Bots

Is Budweiser a company, a product, or a hypnotic “power word?” Is “Bud Light” a more potent power word than “Bud Heavy,” or are they two sides of the same coin? Remember the Bud Light glass-carrying commercial with Biggie Small’s “Hypnotize” as the hip-hop soundtrack? What better celebrity to put in a Bud Light commercial…

Soaked Almonds

Re: I peel the skins off my soaked almonds. I don’t do well with tannins. Yet TANNINS are why we’re supposed to drink green tea! Backwards world, isn’t it? All you have to do is rename a chemical, and it goes from “bad” to “good” and back again. Re: What tannins in tea? According to…

Mixed-Use Imprisonment

The United Nations is taking over your town … as I write this. It’s called U.N. Agenda 21. It’s been in full swing for over two decades. U.N. Agenda 21 is not something that’s coming. It’s not only here … it’s been here for years. You can kiss your cozy little nation-state goodbye. Globalism has…