NO For Nitric Oxide

I’ve already dissed nitric oxide (NO) in at least half-a-dozen other One Radio Network blogs. Ray Peat has the most data about its downside. Everything written below applies to nitric oxide too. Nitrate oxidizes the ferrous form of hemoglobin (oxyhemoglobin) in the blood into the ferric form (methemoglobin), depriving the body of oxygen and turning…

Blood In Her Urine

“I have blood in my urine,” Helen (not her real name) said. “I’ve been told it’s because of my running.” “How far do you run?” I asked. “About a mile every day.” “No way! You’d have to be running marathons to get blood in your urine.” So, why was blood in her urine? Thanks to…

Many Cancer “Cures”

According to Ray Peat … “The gene mutation theory of cancer is sustained by a broader mystique of ‘genetics’ in our culture.” If Dr. Emanuel Revici were alive, he’d agree wholeheartedly. Genes are a “way station” between the lowest level of hierarchic organization and the highest level. LIFE is a pyramid of organization with the…

Perfect Immunity

Re: I have heard that the reason a thing is a certain color is because that is the part of the spectrum it does not absorb but reflects. Yep. According to “Dr. Google” (my way of being too lazy to attribute a source) … “The colors we see are the wavelengths that are reflected or…

Color Corruption

It there were no color, an ice cube would not melt. Color is entropy and its etymology derives from Hell (Held) — what the Yogis call the Dome of Many Colors (The Matrix). The aura is our prison (PRISM). We can be PRISM-ers of Crayola. Why do Crips wear blue? Why do Bloods wear red?…