Oxygen Pumps the Heart #4

According to Matthew Joseph Rodermund, M.D. (1854-1919) … “All chemical experiments show that the affinity of oxygen for carbon is greater than it is for iron, so that when all these are forced together in the small, minute blood vessels the oxygen loves carbon better than iron and leaves the iron, and, uniting with carbon,…

Oxygen Pumps the Heart #3

According to Matthew Joseph Rodermund, M.D. (1854-1919) … “As a student I opened my mouth seemingly too wide in stating that the two main studies necessary to make a thorough physician were not taught in any college in the world, and that these were a study of natural laws and human nature and their relation…

Oxygen Pumps the Heart #2

According to Matthew Joseph Rodermund, M.D. (1854-1919) … “If I could be instrumental in freeing deceived and suffering humanity from the bondage of fraud, deception, and murder perpetrated upon it by the courteous and gentlemanly medical profession I should feel prouder of it than of any honor that this country could confer upon me.” E.H.J….

Oxygen Pumps the Heart #1

Matthew Joseph Rodermund, M.D., wasn’t the first physician in the 19th Century to figure out that the heart was not a pump, but he seems to be the one who took it most seriously. And he explained the actual physiology simply, without resorting to spiraling forces, rotary blood flow, torsional ventricular motion, and structured water….

The Heart Is Not a Pump #38

The cardiac glycoside ouabain from the seeds, stems, leaves, and roots of several varieties of poison arrow trees and shrubs has been used by Western medicine for over a hundred years. But wabei or wabajo (ouabain) arrow poison has been used as a heart tonic in Africa for thousands of years. It’s currently used for…