Cases Of Protracted Menstruation

Michel Ferin, Raphael Jewelewicz, & Michelle Warren (The Menstrual Cycle: Physiology, Reproductive Disorders, and Infertility, 1993) wrote … “The human female, contrary to females of other species, has a life span that extends considerably beyond reproductive age. In the industrialized world, the median age at menopause lies within a narrow age. For instance, in the…

Male Vicarious Menstruation

Mainstream medical doctors ascribe 99 percent of all cases of male menstruation to snail fever (schistsomiasis), caused by parasitic flatworms. They attribute the remaining 1 percent to PMDS (persistent Müllerian duct syndrome) — Müllerian duct derivatives cause uterine growth in a man. But male menstruation can’t always be so conveniently explained away. George M. Gould,…

More Cases Of Vicarious Menstruation

Janice Delaney, Mary Jane Lupton, & Emily Toth (The Curse: A Cultural History of Menstruation, Second Edition, 1976, 1988) wrote … “Vicarious menstruation has not been studied extensively. Physicians still cite a 1920 report by O.H. Roth, who examined 225 cases of vicarious menstruation reported between 1870 and 1920. Roth found that 30 percent of…

Reliving a Traumatic Event

I was driven out to see a client in the middle of a raging Wisconsin blizzard. Jane (not her real name) was having severe stomach pain. One of her legs reacted strongly when she talked about her child being stillborn. (LEFT indicates boy, and RIGHT indicates girl. It was 1980 or 1981, so the actual…

Thyroid the Super Gland

According to Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) … “The thyroid gland is a reflex of the ovaries, uterus, and testes.” According to Ray Peat (interviewed by Mary Shomon, Nov. 2000) … “The thyroid gland, which normally produces some T3, will decrease its production in the presence of increased thyroxine. Therefore, thyroxine often acts as a ‘thyroid…