Menstruating From the Eyes & Ears

Marc Lallanilla (“Medical Mystery: Man Sheds Tears of Blood,” Live Science, Oct. 17, 2013) wrote … “The phenomenon of haemolacria [shedding of tears containing blood] has puzzled doctors for centuries. In the 16th century, Italian physician Antonio Brassavola described a nun who, instead of menstruating, would bleed from her eyes and ears each month. In…

Menstruating From the Breasts

Cyclical breast pain is usually associated with menstruation. It’s usually worse just prior to a menstrual period, and better at the end of the period. But pain isn’t the only connection between the breasts and the generative organs. The breasts are the commonest place for anomalous menstruation. George M. Gould, M.D., & Walter L. Pyle,…

Menstruating From Various Body Parts

“But what happens when your period doesn’t play out like a tampon ad?” asked Elissa Stein and Susan Kim in their 2009 book, Flow: The Cultural Story of Menstruation. I’ll bet my dollars against your donuts that the authors didn’t have the following scenarios in mind. George M. Gould, M.D., & Walter L. Pyle, M.D….