Red Light Rejuvenation

Incandescent red light photo-rejuvenation works better than red laser or LED lights for wound and burn healing, skin rejuvenation, mitochondrial and collagen stimulation, acne, rosacea, poison remediation, etc. Broad spectrum red light therapy is the highest choice (570-1,300 nanometers) … 250-watt incandescent red heat lamp bulb. Vibrant Gal and I prefer the GE bulb over…

See Red & Feel Near-Infrared

Re: Is the GE heat lamp red or infrared? Both, and here’s how you can easily tell the difference. It you can SEE the color red across the room, it’s a red light. Red light is visible radiation, approximately 620 to 740 nanometers, depending on your eyesight. If you can FEEL the heat radiating from…

Clearing Color Associations

Color is thermal death. Color-less is Life Everlasting in the “body that cast no shadow” (Diamond Body). Color itself is not a trauma. Color association IS a trauma. For those favoring a “MEAT before MIND” mainstream science explanation, color association is meditated mostly by the anterior cingulate cortex, although the left premotor cortex, left postcentral…

Sacred Geometry In Food #1

Re: Where can I find the food to organ chart? I find it overwhelming and difficult retraining my brain and stomach for Eating On Time. Geometric Body Resonance (Law of Signatures) is ultimately based on our body’s relationship to the cycles of the body of the Sun. “As Above, So Below.” The Egyptian Scarab is…

Is Red Really Red?

Re: Don’t get too white in the morning. Morning sun is nice and warm for a while, and that may have some benefits, too. Getting a strong “it’s noon” signal in the morning may not be quite optimal. Good advice! Notice how the shadows are green at sunrise and sunset? That’s because red light is…