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Shock Versus Shock

According to Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) ... "If you set a house on fire, nine out of ten people in wheelchairs will jump out of their chairs and escape." He called this healing strategy "precipice therapy." <> Disease is mostly caused by shock, and many "cures" are achieved by counte... Read More

Esoteric Pituitary

According to Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) ... "If the pituitary is functioning too slow, you get a dwarf; too fast, a giant. The pituitary regulates growth, the size of the individual, including physical and physiological growth. The pituitary is an indicator, like a speedometer. It has a way o... Read More

Deuterium Intake

Q — If you were to break it down by 4-hour periods from 3:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m., what percentages should people’s deuterium intake be? A — Deuterium is too insignificant to bother sussing it out ... unless I was drinking deuterium water at a nuclear plant like many people do, getting up to 40%... Read More

Project Green Run

In 1949, Project Green Run (at the Hanford nuclear site in Washington state) deliberately released 8,000 curies of radioactive iodine-131 into the environment over a 2-day period. Some conservative estimates cite 5,000 curies. <> Teri Hein (Atomic Farmgirl: Growing Up Right in the Wrong Pla... Read More

Solar Box Ovens

It's time to get off the grid. If you can't do it big-time, start a little at a time. "Life Is hard by the yard but a cinch by the inch." <> According to eighth-graders Tasmia & Wendy (participating in a 2012 science fair project .. "Horace de Saussure made the first solar box oven, and ... Read More