Welcome to the official website for Sun Sync Nutrition.

Power From the Sun

According to Swami Nitty-Gritty, the self-identified Kit Carson of the Aquarian Age ... "This environment came before you, and in the process was an INVESTITURE, and the investiture goes, 'Go forth and multiply.' That's after you have the breath given to you. You realize that the breath is give... Read More

Diet & Cancer

We eat low on the food chain and especially walk big circles around a keto diet. According to The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association, Sept. 1920 ... "Aborigines, living simple lives, largely vegetarians, have been shown by any number of observers, in many lands, to be almost if no... Read More

Ordinary Ailments

Beverley Robinson, M.D. ("Some So-called Advances in the Practice of Medicine," Medical Record, Jun. 5, 1920) wrote ... "My observations would go to show that very refined diagnoses are of decidedly greater interest to the research worker than they are to the all-around practitioner or, in final ... Read More

Books Over Sound Bites

"NYC libraries will be cut to 'unacceptable' 5-day service under mayor's budget plan, heads warn" — New York Post (Mar. 12, 2024) It's not just the Rotten Apple, er, Big Apple. The U.S. can spend trillions of dollars on war, but it's a frigging cheapskate when it comes to libraries. The Bill... Read More

Geometric Fixation

According to Adano Ley (Swami Nitty-Gritty) ... "Chemistry is precipitated by geometry. Body language is indicative of chemistry." "Oxygen is consciousness. Hydrogen is craving for geometry. Nitrogen holds the geometry together. Carbon dioxide creates the diamond body." "Your five senses lo... Read More